17 February 2011

Whatever goes up, eventually comes down.

the Law of Gravity seems work in financial markets too -- whatever goes up, eventually comes down.

Just a reminder to those who had decided to jump into the plantation stocks lately.


A 30-years Price Chart for Crude Palm Oil


source: http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=palm-oil&months=360


14 February 2011

Increase my holding in Notion - Buying the Warrants


Bought in 5,600 unit of Notion-Warrant today.

Together with the 400 unit that already in hand, my total holding in Notion-WA now become 6000 unit, which has a market value of about RM4000 according to the closing price today.

I'm very positive about the future prospect of Notion. In my own prediction, even in a pessimistic case, the share price of Notion 4 years later should be somewhere not lower than RM6.00.

Reason of buying the warrant (instead of its share) is to maximize the potential return. I'm willing to hold these warrants until its expiry date at 2015.


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